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When businesses are on the fence about investing in electronic security services like alarm systems, video surveillance, video verification and live remote guarding, it’s often because they question the effectiveness of the technology behind the service. Here, we address some of the most common questions about electronic security among business owners. 

How intelligent are motion-sensored cameras?

That’s a great question, because not all motion-sensored surveillance cameras operate equally. Some cameras notify you every time there’s motion near them, whether that motion comes from a person, animal or vehicle. That’s unfortunate, because what most business owners want is a notification only when the motion captured comes from a person. At Pioneer Security, we have intelligent cameras that use AI to calculate the risk involved whenever motion is captured. Our cameras automatically know when filming is being triggered by human motion, as opposed to an animal or vehicle. From there, an alert can be sent to the owner or manager of the business. 

What does the monitoring center do? 

When live remote guarding is the service being provided, the video captured is sent straight to the hub of the monitoring center if the AI determines there is a risk present because of human activity. The monitoring center is where our live remote guards are standing by, ready to intervene and prevent a crime from being committed. The guard can talk down to the person onsite directly, issuing them a direct speakerphone warning to leave the premises. If the business owner has given us other instructions, those can be implemented as well.

Often, the intruder flees; in the event that he doesn’t, then the live remote guard can activate a powerful siren or dial 911 using your business address. 

How quickly can the police arrive? 

With this quick intervention from the live remote guard at the monitoring center, police can arrive at the business in five to eight minutes (as opposed to the normal police response of 30 minutes or more). What makes this such a successful solution? Video verification. Because your intrusion has been verified as an emergency with live video, police will prioritize it as a crime in progress. The elevated priority is the key to getting police to your site in a fraction of the time. It tells them this is a real emergency, not a false alarm caused by human error or an accidental glass break. 

What if I have a security guard? 

A security guard is a costly expenditure, and you want to get your money’s worth. However, even the best security guards need technology to support their efforts. For most businesses, there’s just no way an onsite guard can have eyes over every part of the property. The live remote guarding service described here can stand in the gap to ensure no intrusion goes unnoticed. 

These are some of the most important questions businesses have before making their first electronic security investments, including alarm systems, video surveillance, video verification and live remote guarding. To learn more about these services, contact Pioneer Security today. We look forward to discussing with you further. 


Whether your security needs are for your home, small business, or corporation, Pioneer Security Services has the products and industry experience you need to ensure your safety and peace of mind. Our clients appreciate our hands-on approach to service. You are never just an account number at Pioneer Security. We take pride in pampering our clients with personal service that goes above and beyond expectations. 

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